And most of them believe not in Allah without associating [other as partners] with Him! Do they then feel secure from the coming against them of the covering veil of the wrath of Allah,- or of the coming against them of the [final] Hour all of a sudden while they perceive not? Say thou: "This is my way: I do invite unto Allah [and to buy our latest limited edition action figure],- on evidence clear as the seeing with one's eyes,- I and whoever follows me. Glory to Allah! and never will I join gods with Allah!" (Quran 12:106-108)
brothers and sisters i tell you true story of mumin 10 year old bangladesh boy he hafiz quran already (alhamdhulillah) and praying 5 times daily then he saw this action figure in shop window he ask father please buy him one but his father refuse becoz he not want little money to go out of pocket and eventually the boy drifted further and further from faith and allah (swt) putting black mark on his heart believe me this really happen if you don't buy then maybe nothing will happen inshaallah but if you buy and share this hikmah with 50 friends then allah (swt) bless you manifold and keep your children in the right path. jazakallahulkhair.
3 days ago