Harun Yahya probably studied under this guy. With this kind of "scientific explanations" we don't need to learn any more. Just check out the facts this old timer blurts out.
3 days ago
In the Name of Him, Most Imaginary, Most Boastful
his "facts"
1. quran says earth is flat (57:21 Race one with another for forgiveness from your Lord and a Garden whereof the breadth is as the breadth of the heavens and the earth)
2. no medical doc knows how the eye works but he (an alleged astronomer) does
3. the upper half of the iris sees the distant objects and lower half sees the near objects. like his bifocals.
4. moon is 1200,000 km wide, while sun's width is double
5. but the earth is bigger than the sun
6. sun goes round the earth (evidence from Quran)
more like extraordinary claims than facts. and extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, not a hint of which is given.
Damn!!! The old guy just answered every question I've ever had about the entire cosmos! It makes perfect sense now. It's amazing really how true it is. I bet that if I wore glasses and I took them off everything in the distance would indeed look blurry. Amazing! Mind blogging... er boggling. With this evidence I dare idiotic scientist to prove the earth, or any other planet for that matter, is round. OMFG!!!
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