Imagine, there is this benevolent God who created us out of nothing, provided us with everything and delivered us from punishment. Yes, just imagine and leave it at that.
Allah is the Batin, as claimed by Mohamed in his book, the Quran. He is hidden, unseen and any glimpse that you will ever have of him is through imagination. Any claim of proof in Quran by no means shows any solid evidence. Repeating verse by verse, asserting how the pondering over the creation would show us how real Allah is. We have pondered and we have searched. We see no proof of Allah - unless if we imagine it.
Allah is just concept, like all those Gods who live in the thoughts of their believers, which is but a figment of your imagination. A figment of imagination that was brought down generations to you, and now you dwell in the horrors unimaginable that could befall upon you and everyone around you, should you stop imagining.
So imagine that there is this cruel beast called Allah who enjoys the violent murdering and sadistic suffering of human beings. Grow out of your childhood imaginations and those that you were forced to imagine; and realise the reality that you are shielded from.
3 days ago
This is how I know Allah is real:
More than 1400 years ago a man named Mohammed (P.U.H) claimed that there is only one God and only He is worthy of worship. Then, through Quran, Allah (the God that Mohammed (p.u.h) told people about) revealed to us secrets of His creations (about the earth, the universe, and the human being) that no human at that time knew or could have verified 1400 years ago.
After 1400 years we continue to prove those verses one by one. Therefore, by logic, it must mean that claims made in the Quran are true, and that they could have been made only by the Creator of all things.
I say Creator of all things because Quran does not state facts only in one narrow area: it encompasses facts about a vast majority of disciplines.
And what further strengthens this assertion is the fact the Prophet Mohammed (p.u.h) knew not how to write nor read. Therefore he could not have made it up, or compiled it, even if the knowledge existed 1400 years back.
If you think that this method of deduction is flawed, false, not modern or "unscientific", you are in error. I am an economics student at a well known university and even to this date the most prominent theories in my discipline heavily relies on this method of deduction.
And if you are a very "scientific" person, it gives you more reason not to believe only in things we are able to see, observe, or physically verify. None of the theories in a branch of physics called quantum physics are proven or observed physically, yet it continues to grow and gain more attention because it succeeds in explaining very complex phenomenon. Like it, or even better, Islam explains a lot of things that happens around me, and keeps me directed and focused on issues that matters the most. If you only believe in things you see then I suppose you don't believe in science either.
Dear "Anonymous", allow me to reword that:
Allegedly more than 1400 years ago an illiterate pedophile called Mohamed tried to capitalize on religion. He plagiarized from existing Abrahamic scriptures and Greek philosophy and used an obscure Syrian deity called Allah to come up with yet another story on a magical kingdom.
After 1400 years, we continue to be pestered by these ignorant desert tribes trying to impose their medieval culture upon the rest of the world.
Quran is vague and the believers try to fit it into any logic that they get presented with, even when the logic tends to be false too.
And as far as science goes, you don't have a clue about its methodology. If you are a person with half a brain, you should realize that this Allah is as real as Harry Potter.
Your view is biased. Here is how: instead of answering as a true intellect you opted to insult (to our prophet) and then to our intelligence. If your course had been to rid the people of ignorance you yourself would not have chosen to answer in an ignorant manner: a vague answer that has no basis. I have nothing to say to person who have not even the least of decent intents.
And if you have even less than half a brain you would know that an illiterate person has no means to plagiarize from text in his surrounding let alone text that you claim to reside in more than 1000 miles way. Hence, as far as deductive reasoning goes you have not proven God to be imaginary.
And you dwell on matters that you have no knowledge of, and yet refuses to seek the truth about that which you mention.
As for one, I stay away from that which you call us to because, as you just proved, people like you have no reason to respect others let alone do good. How can you be right when you even don't have the courtesy to respect people around you? To me it is clear that who is wrong between the two of us.
Are you saying that your view is unbiased? Are you saying that your arguments are purely without any influence from your belief system?
Mohamed was not illiterate. Are you saying that someone who managed goats couldn't count? A man who managed a woman's business was illiterate? You just make one claim to justify another. You argument is devoid of facts.
My course is not to get rid of any one. However your course is to get rid of anyone who doesn't imagine Allah. And you will kill to achieve that.
Considering that you have nothing to say, you seem to have said quite a lot. I wonder how much you would have said, if you actually had something to say.
I don't dwell in the matters that I have no knowledge of. That is my point. This magical mumbo jumbo called religion is where none of us have any knowledge. And the God (be is Allah or Yahweh or Zeus) hasn't helped a bit.
Respect is mutual. It is not respect when you go around berating everyone else in the world while demanding that you get respect. That is the respect you gave to others and this is what you shall get in return.
You are not using your brain. You are not using logic.
You are reciting nonsense.
Examine your self and your thought process
Ask yourself - How do I separate fact from fiction?
totally enjoy your blog. Muslims will start debating then go into a huff and accuse you of insulting you.
Then they will throw a tantrum..and then threats
By doing so the muslim will deflect from examining Islam with logic and reason.
I'm in short of time, so I will try and not go in to details and keep this clear as possible.
Response to the person who said: "Muslims will start debating then go into a huff and accuse you of insulting you."
Would you feel insulted that if a stranger (or friend) comes to you and insults and degrade your parents? To muslim, prophet Mohammed (p.u.h) is as close as our parents, if not closer. So, is our accusation void of reason?
You wrote: "Are you saying that your arguments are purely without any influence from your belief system?"
I am not saying that either of our arguments are independent of our belief systems. If it were, we would be talking entirely about something irrelevant. First you yourself mentioned that our Prophet (p.u.h) was illiterate at one point to prove your argument and then you are saying he is not illiterate at another point, again to prove the same thing. And yet you are consistent and unbiased in your argument? Such inconsistencies are what I am referring to as bias.
Illiteracy and Managing business:
You wrote: "Mohamed was not illiterate. Are you saying that someone who managed goats couldn't count? "
Definition of illiterate: "a person who is unable to read and write" - New Oxford America Dictionary. I believe this is the meaning that is generally accepted and the word does not cover "innumeracy", which refers to lack of basic knowledge of mathematics and arithmetic. It is given that through daily conversation and encounter that people will learn to count and may even learn to perform basic arithmetic operations, hence your argument that Prophet (p.u.h) being a shepherd implying that he is literate, and was able to acquire knowledge that resided in Greece (more than 1700 miles away) is invalid. If people could acquire comprehend complex philosophical theories in a foreign language by just being able to count, everyone would be professors I suppose.
You wrote: "A man who managed a woman's business was illiterate?"
The other justification you used to prove that he is literate is that he managed his wife's business (which involved carrying the goods to the north and returning back) for a number of years. It was a merchant business I believe. I will show you proof that you don't need to be literate to manage more complex business from close to your home. Mr. Gasim is a well-known businessman with significant amount of foreign investment and does business on a daily business with foreign companies. Yet he has never been known to complete any formal form of education. And I think we can safely establish that he is illiterate in English, yet he is one of the most successful businessmen in the country, and is more successful than the businessmen and businesswomen who are more literate than him. Literacy is not a necessary condition to become a good businessman, but it does help to be literate. After all first verses of the Quran; Surat Al' Alaq - calls on people to read and seek knowledge.
Another assumption you have made regarding trade during the times of prophet, is that it involved conventional methods of book keeping that we use today. It may just be that Arabs at that time traded without bookkeeping, or it may be that Khadija (prophet's wife) employed bookkeepers that accompanied the prophet (p.u.h), God knows best.
At this point I would like to draw your attention to something prophet Muhammed (p.u.h) said: "The cure of ignorance is asking."
Therefore, I would like to advice you that it is better to enquire and ask from people that knows about the matter (be it history, religion, science, economics, or anything else) than make bold assumptions, before deciding on anything or claiming that someone else's arguments are devoid of facts. You wouldn't go to an exam and assume all the answers, would you? That would be stupid, so is assuming that you know everything about a religion by just watching headlines and tweets from twitter.
You wrote: "My course is not to get rid of any one."
I am so sorry if you misunderstood me when I said, "If your course had been to rid the people of ignorance... ". Let me explain clearly: ignorance is a noun. I didn’t use it to refer to a group of people. By that I meant that "if your intensions are to make people more aware of the truth...". So I never implied that you are trying to get rid of a group of people. Had that been what I intended to say it would have been "If your course had been to rid the ignorant poeple... ".
You wrote: "However your course is to get rid of anyone who doesn't imagine Allah. And you will kill to achieve that."
A bold assumption based on newspaper headlines? No Muslim’s aim is to get rid of people who do not believe in Allah and no Muslim would kill to achieve that. Here is why:
The first Muslims in Mecca were all converts from other religions. Not even the prophet knew who would and would not convert to Islam among the non-believers. Therefore he treated non-believers with respect, dignity, and justice. And, by God's Will, a lot of people at that time who had contributed great services to Islam were formally non-believers. So it does not make sense for a Muslim to kill another person just because he or she is a non-believer, because the Muslim doesn’t know if the non-believer will convert to Islam later in life and be of great service or not.
And when I say this I am aware that there are groups of people who terrorizes in the name of Islam. If you understood and knew what Islam is about you would know that what they do is strictly against the teachings of Islam. But I do not have time to go in-depth in to the matter.
Regarding Respect:
You wrote: "Respect is mutual."
You've mentioned that respect is mutual. But how is it mutual when you start by insulting someone that is as close to us as our fathers, if not closer, in a very demeaning manner? Would you look or talk kindly with someone who demeans and insults your parents? Such things only raise hatred. And I believe you know it well. And that is why I said, "people like you have no reason to respect others let alone do good".
“That is the respect you gave to others and this is what you shall get in return.”
If by “you” you are referring to me, this is again another bold assumption. You have never met me, nor do you know anything about my personality. But you’ve already decided that I intend to kill… sigh. (Brainchild of the media?)
Lets say by “you” you refer to the Muslims in general. Then, as I have mentioned before, I am fully aware that there are people who transgress their bounds in the name of Islam, whilst truly their intensions contradict with Islam. Any Muslim who is educated in his or her religion will immediately recognize this contradiction (with terrorism and Islam). However, in today's "fair and just" it seems that all the Muslims are getting punished for the action of the rotten eggs. If you deem this is to be just or fair in any way, then I ask you, why aren't all the atheist paying the price for the crimes committed by some atheist? Why aren't all the Christians paying the price for crimes committed by some of the Christians? There is no justice in such generalization. It is oppression. A true Muslim would only hold a man responsible for his crimes, and this is one of the many teachings those terrorist groups go against when they attack people.
You have got a lot of simple facts wrong in your arguments above, hence arrived at wrong conclusions: like prophets numeracy allow him to plagiarize hundreds of book, containing complex logic and theories, in a foreign language somewhat 1700 miles away. And by this you justify why Quran contains scientific facts whilst it was revealed more than 1400 years ago.
And I believe you have misunderstood a lot regarding Islamic teachings and Muslims.
I advice every muslim and you not to give in to anger and hatred, as it is said in Quran:
"Seke help in patience and prayer. Truly! Allah is with the patient." Al-Baqara:153-154
and to look in to matters more seriously before start criticizing a people and demeaning them (any group of people for that matter, not just Muslims).
You said: "I don't dwell in the matters that I have no knowledge of." "This magical mumbo jumbo called religion is where none of us have any knowledge."
It is a serious matter to think and research about. Did you ever think what would happen if you are wrong and us right? Just for a second, ponder on that question. It is said in Islam that afterlife (the hereafter) would last for an eternity. And for anyone to receive any mercy or reward in the hereafter he or she must have acknowledged the oneness of the God (Allah) and that prophet Mohammed (p.u.h) is a messenger from Him, like Jesus, and Moses and many others prophets before Mohammed (p.u.h). Think about it just for a day to decide if this is a matter worth looking in to more seriously than just writing up mockery based on gibberish. Wouldn't do any harm to think, would it?
You must be a very fast typist that you managed to type so much within the short time that you had.
So if you agree that we are both biased, then why did you bring up the issue of bias in the first place? When I referred to him as an illiterate pedophile, I used the word "alleged". Inconsistencies are not the same as bias. Maybe you are the illiterate one.
Illiteracy and Managing business:
And soon you will say that Mohamed was illiterate only with respect to Swahili. Knowledge of Greek at the time had been around since hundreds of years before Mohamed and you cannot say that there was no traveling around that area. Like how did the bible get translated into Greek if there wasn't?
The cases of Buruma Qasim and Abu Qasim (Mohamed) are very different. Buruma Qasim owned the business and was helped by invisible beings. And he hired literate and brilliant minds to assist in expanding his business. Abu Qasim on the other hand was serving a woman who at the time was not even his wife. And he did not own the business at the time. Are you saying that she would hire an illiterate to manage her business? Are you saying that Buruma Qasim would hire illiterate people to run his business too?
You keep repeating Khadheeja as Mohamed's wife as if you are trying to establish a reason. She was not his wife at the time he was hired to serve her. I don't claim that conventional bookkeeping was being used, but at least some form of documentation would have been used at the time. You start with "Another assumption" and then you start each of your own assertions with "it may be". Well it may just be that Mohamed plucked his pubic hair to keep count of Khadheeja's money.
So you are saying that Mohamed said "The cure of ignorance is asking". Did you know that Mohamed's cult also has a "cure for asking" too? Usually it is a beheading.
How can my "facts" be wrong when literacy of Mohamed is a historical myth that cannot be corroborated? Quran has not contributed to derivation of any scientific fact, but rather is used to point out whenever there is any remote connection between a scientific fact and a verse. When Quran says that life came from water would you believe in Evolution theory? People "cherry pick" verses to suit their needs.
Quran also teaches Muslims to show harshness and hatred towards non-believers. So are you calling upon the Muslims to do just that but with a smile on their face rather than hatred and anger?
An excellent point my friend. What if I am wrong and you are right? I have pondered and this is my answer: What if You are wrong and I am right? What if You are wrong and Christians are right? What if You are wrong and Jews are right? What if You are wrong and Hindhus are right? What if You are wrong and Zoroastrians are right? Have you even pondered that just for even a split second? All those religions talk about life after death. Have you seriously considered what would happen if you were wrong about any of those religions?
I read the comments and thought would post a reply regarding a few things.
"If you think that the terrorist are doing all that against the teaching of Islam, then I suggest you go read the chapter of Thaubah in Quran." - owner of the blog
Well, you are just as ignorant as the terrorist that blow up places in the name of Islam. Islam doesn't comprise of one chapter in the Quran, nor does it teachings are based on one chapter in the Quran. I presume that terrorists are doing what they are because they have rejected what Islam says about protecting and respecting life of the innocent, unity and so on, and only consider some chapters and verses of out context (context also includes the situation in which the verses were revealed, do you know what was happening when the surah Thaubah was revealed Or did you just google for it? Hadith is the best interpretation of the Quran.) That is what misleads them, considering only a part of the religion. What misleads you is not much different. You only considers a few chapters out of context and poof, there is your proof. Brilliant!
And I can see that your intention is just to piss off people. What gives it away? Your pointless mockery and your inability to keep away from insulting and your inability to stick to sound judgement.
And for the part where you say you have pondered on the possibility that there is an afterlife, I don't think you have. When someone asked you to consider it irrespective of a religion, you only gave yourself reason not to by considering all the religions in the world. We'll for people who do they find the truth:
Even when I write this I presume you'll google some thing and use them as arguments. Why do I presume that? the inconsistencies in your arguments can be spotted even by a 15 year old. You just write bits and pieces from here and there and thereby loose the internal consistency of your arguments.
Anonymous (8 September, 7:18 AM):
I completely agree with you that the chapter of Thaubah is not the only chapter in Quran. But it is there in Quran and therefore cannot be ignored either. So either you are saying that you want to cherry pick your favourite chapters or that there are contradictions between the chapters in Quran.
Are you also implying that 15 year olds are stupid? You think this blog has loose internal inconsistencies? Isn't that just like Quran? "Alif Laam Meem" why not just XYZ or 567?
You will say anything to reject the truth, even when there is no proof of what you say. And you know that what you say is baseless. You continuously persisting that the Prophet was hired for business skill portrays your lack of knowledge regarding the matters which you speak of. The prophet was well known for his extreme trustworthiness, which even his enemies like confessed to. At it was due to this characteristic he was hired. You say the prophet's illiteracy is a myth, whilst there has been no record (even by a non-believer) of the prophet getting education. And if you have any sense, you would know that it would require more than a few years of schooling to compile a book by translating complex knowledge you claim to reside in far away places.
Speaking of which, here is a puzzling fact about your brilliant answer to the scientific facts in Quran :
You claim the Quran was compiled from knowledge that resided in Greek. Lets assume it were true. Now consider the following verses:
"Then He turned to the haven when it was smoke..." (Quran, 41:11)
"Have not those who disbelieved known that the heavens and the earth were one connected entity, then We separated them?..." (Quran, 21:30)
The science of modern cosmology, observational and theoretical, clearly indicates that, at one point in time, the whole universe was nothing but a cloud of ‘smoke’ (i.e. an opaque highly dense and hot gaseous composition). Refer to The First Three Minutes, a Modern View of the Origin of the Universe, Weinberg, pp. 94-105, published 1993 . And Dr. Alfred Kroner is one of the world’s renowned geologists and he said: “Somebody who did not know something about nuclear physics fourteen hundred years ago could not, I think, be in a position to find out from his own mind, for instance, that the earth and the heavens had the same origin.”*
"No! If he does not stop, We will take him by the naseyah (front of the head), a lying, sinful naseyah (front of the head)!" Quran (96:15-16)
This verse is about one of the evil unbelievers who forbade the Prophet Muhammad (p.u.h) from praying at the Kaaba.
A well known scientific publication states: “The motivation and the foresight to plan and initiate movements occur in the anterior portion of the frontal lobes, the prefrontal area. This is a region of association cortex...”. (Refer to Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology, Seeley and others, p. 211. ) Also see The Human Nervous System, Noback and others, pp. 410-411.)
So, this area of the cerebrum is responsible for planning, motivating, and initiating good and sinful behavior and is responsible for the telling of lies and the speaking of truth. Thus, it is proper to describe the front of the head as lying and sinful when someone lies or commits a sin, as the Quran has said.
Scientists have only discovered these functions of the prefrontal area in the last sixty years, according to Professor Keith L.*
(* The above two paragraphs are extracts from )
and there are such facts about the deep sea water, and about clouds, and many more:
Now, what puzzles me about your theory of Greek having all the knowledge in the Quran prior to Muhammed (p.u.h) copying it, is how did the Greeks make astronomical observations with out telescope (Galileo invented the first astronomical telescope, born 1564, whilst prophet Muhammed p.u.h was born in 570), and find out about the state of the universe with out knowledge of nuclear science, study the purpose of different parts of the brain without MRI Scanning, study the clouds and their movement without satellite imaging and so on? And if they had it (the knowledge) why had taken it so long to surface? If a person without minimum education thousands of miles away from Greece can translate and compile them in to a book, couldn't anyone else have done it? Why didn’t the Greeks make use of this knowledge if they had it? Because such knowledge wasn’t know to any human being, and Allah, the Creator of everything revealed it to us to prove the Authenticity of the Quran and His Oneness as a mercy from Him.
And you say muslims are "cherry-picking" verses from the Quran to justify whatever comes up, whilst it is people like you who in fact do it. When you say why don't we use the verse on God creating the living things from water to support evolution, it would contradict with all the verses about God creating Adam and Hawwa, and thereby creating the human race.
And you have done the same with Surah Tauba. Clearly, you have no knowledge about the situation, which it was revealed in, and know nothing about the Sunnah regarding the verses. Yet you are using it as support for Islam teaching people to kill one another. And by consider only the verses from this Surah you are disregarding other portions of the Quran and Sunnah that calls for humanity. Clearly you are cherry-picking.
As mentioned in an above comment, you are just like those people who claim to fight in the name of God while they only terrorize. They cherry-pick the verses whilst it contradicts with rest of the teaching to justify their cause, and you cherry-pick verses to find an excuse not to believe. Two sides of the same coin.
Islam is not only built on the Quran, but equally on the Sunnah of the Prophet which is the interpretation of the Quran. Therefore, you cannot pick a verse and cite it to support something whilst it contradict with other portions of the Sunnah and Quran.
And regarding Surah Tauba, I myself am not competent to interpret and give commentary on the verses of the Quran. Therefore I’m referring to the a commentary in
“A thorough understanding of Surah Al-Taubah will obviously require an in-depth understanding of the preceding Surahs as well, as they serve as the premises on which the directives in Surah Al-Taubah are given.
“How can there be any responsibility of these agreements on God and His messenger, except those with whom you made agreements at the Sacred Mosque? Thus, so long as they uphold their part of the treaty, you should uphold yours. Indeed God loves the righteous.” (Al-Taubah 9: 7)
A close look at the above verses shall suffice as evidence to the fact that the directive, “Arrest them, besiege them and lie in ambush for them” [in Surah Tauba] is given against those polytheists with whom the Muslims, under the leadership of the Prophet (pbuh), had entered into an agreement and who had disregarded this agreement and aided others against the Muslims. Obviously, these qualities cannot be generalized on all the polytheists of the world.
“Will you not fight against those who have broken their oaths and have conspired to banush the messenger? They were the first to attack you.” (Al-Taubah 9: 12)
Thus, a further qualification of those against whom the directive is given is that besides breaking their oaths with the Muslims, they conspired to banush the Prophet (pbuh) and were the first to attack the Muslims. It is obvious that the referred directive implies to take action against a particular people.”
And I ask you, have YOU read Surah Tauba? Or did you just google for something and write up whatever came up? Did you not come across “… those who annoy Allah’s Messenger (Muhammed p.u.h) will have a painful torment.” (9:61), and in Al-Ahzab “Verily, those who annoy Allah and His Messenger Allah (Muhammed p.u.h) Allah has cursed them in this world, and in the Hereafter, and has prepared for them humiliating torment.” (33:57)
And do not mistaken the fact that you are still walking after all you have done and said (against Allah and His Messenger) as proof of His non-existence. Remember the story of Moosa and Firaun. Allah sent Moosa and Haroon to Firuan and the people of Eygpt with clear proof and they rejected. And Allah sent punishments (as signs) of drought, shortness of fruits, the flood, locusts, lice, frogs, and blood and every time a plague was upon them they would ask Moosa to ask his Lord to release them from the plague and say that they would believe in Allah and release the children of Israel. But every time the plague was lifted they went against their word. They kept doing it until finally Firaun and his arm was finally sized with severe torment.
Allah is All Able. He Createe this world and us. And gave us the ability of choice (to choose between right and wrong). And you respond by choosing wrong over right? Whilst you have clear signs?
Look at yourself; you cannot keep away from insulting and trying to temper others. You have no facts with you, but a foul mouth that is only attracting people’s anger towards you. I find it hard to believe you can restrain even from insulting people around you and speaking foul in your daily life.
Its people like you that hinder and disrupt the relationships between Muslims and non-Muslims. And even the non-muslims would hate to accept you, as you only would make matters worse for them with your despicable attitude. You are alone, even in this world.
You said: "Alif Laam Meem" why not just XYZ or 567?
You expect or demand Quran only to consist of thing you have knowledge of, or do you assume you have all the knowledge and anything you can’t make sense of is garbage? How ignorant can you be?
And so you will say pretty much anything to reject the truth too. I reject your religion on the same basis that you reject others. Mainly due to lack of proof and justification.
"Clearly" cheery picking? Are you saying that one part of Quran should be ignored? Or that Allah only sent Quran for some super intelligent people?
I don't claim that I have all the knowledge. But I don't see why the hell God should talk nonsense either.
And you just keep making arrogant claims.
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