Monday, May 17, 2010

Dr Allah

In Quran, Surah 26, Verse 80, it says

وَإِذَا مَرِضْتُ فَهُوَ يَشْفِينِ

And when I am sick, then He restores me to health.

So who the bloody hell made me sick in the first place? Oh yeah, that would be Allah too. What kind of a sick game is this Allah trying to play here?


shaazy said...

God send you here to exam you... there will be time where you will get ill... there will be time where you will have to cry... it does mean God is bad... remember god in your bad time it will end soon

"your bad time is the result of you bad sins " they just come to teach you something...

they will be coming again and agin until you learn a lesson from them.

Anonymous said...

shaazy... you must be brainwashed by a newbie mullah. but wheres ur face veil in that pic of urs (if its u). why do u show face skin to "kaafirs" like the author of this blog.

questions for you wise women/lady.
- how does people ppl believe in faith?
- what is truth and how do you know when that you know the truth?
- why do you believe in islam?
- How do u know islam is true?

- how do u know ur ur mums daughter. (could be someone else's and your mum might keep it a secret from u)?
- what is good and bad for u(it differers to each person, eg muhamed liks to play with children but you might not like it, so u twist words in hadhees)

want more questions? ask here